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Shifting Your Focus: From Negative to Positive

Updated: Mar 11, 2023

When I think through the most miserable times in my life (I know catchy way to start a blog entry right?) anyway, most of them have some outside influence that sometimes was out of my control, or I jumped into a situation out of necessity. I can think about jobs that I wasn't challenged by or felt under-utilized or undervalued in, injuries that had me unable to function normally physically or caused a lot of discomfort, but the one constant in those situations when I was really unhappy was my personal perspective. When I've been my least happy in life I've focused on negative things. I've focused on what I don't have, what I don't like, where I'd rather be, and before I knew it, I was just living in a negative mindset. If you're in this habit you probably think things to yourself like, "I'm so unlucky" or "Why does this always happen to me?" These negative thoughts can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, as they lead to a negative attitude that can affect your behavior and interactions with others. On the other hand, when we shift our perspective to a more positive one, it can have a powerful effect on our happiness and overall well-being. For example, instead of dwelling on the fact that you don't have your dream job, try focusing on the skills and experiences you have gained in your current job. Instead of stressing about your injuries or physical limitations, try to find activities that you can still do and appreciate your body for all that it can do. I remember a time in life where I was pretty frustrated because I was on crutches for an extended period of time. I had been in a car wreck and broken my pelvis in two places. It sucked. I was also 19 or 20 years old so you expect your body to do whatever you tell it to at that age and mine simply couldn't. I found consolation in the fact that I was alive. The car accident was horrific, and my side of the car had 45% intrusion which meant the interior of the door where I was sitting was almost to the center console in a Honda Accord. Reminding myself that I had LIFE helped me to find the positives in those months.

It's not always easy to change our perspective, especially when we're in the midst of a difficult situation. There are absolutely days when I was working at that job that I hated or dealing with that injury that I didn't shake it off and focus on the positive and I'm not trying to pretend that I did for the purpose of this article. Some days I was just pissed off. But with practice, it's possible to cultivate a more positive mindset and find happiness even in the most challenging circumstances and when you do you'll find that those negative thoughts start to seem foreign to you and you'll have fewer of them.

One way to create a positive thought process is through gratitude. Taking a few minutes each day to reflect on the things you are thankful for can help to shift your focus from negative to positive and increase your overall happiness. Oprah has a quote that says, “Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.” Write down the 10 most important things to you that you DO have today. Be thankful for those things but also write down 10 things that you want in life and set some goals to go get them! Another way to improve your perspective is by seeking out new experiences and learning opportunities. Trying new things, meeting new people, and expanding your horizons can help to break up the monotony of daily life and give you a fresh perspective. It can be as simple as trying a new hobby (like starting a blog or creating a brand for me) or as significant as traveling to a new country.

It's important to remember that changing your perspective is a journey, not a destination. You'll have good days and bad days, and that's normal. The important thing is to keep moving forward and striving for a more positive outlook. It's also important to be kind to yourself when you falter because you're going to screw up along the way. Surrounding yourself with supportive and positive people can also make a big difference.

Our perspective has a powerful influence on our happiness. By making a conscious effort to shift our focus from negative to positive, we can feel better, enjoy life more, and find joy in even the most difficult situations. It takes practice and determination, but the benefits are well worth it. As always go out and do something positive today. Do a good deed, think a positive thought, or help someone in need. Thanks for reading friends.



About the Author:

John Lockman is passionate about promoting men's mental health. Having lost a family member to suicide at an early age, he is committed to raising awareness about the disproportionate number of men affected by this devastating issue. Through his own personal experiences and his website,, John hopes to help men think differently about how to prioritize their well-being and become more comfortable acknowledging and processing their feelings in a healthy way.

In addition to his passion for mental health advocacy, John also has almost two decades of experience in the business world. Most recently, he oversaw roughly 100 million dollars of annual revenue and was responsible for managing a team of 75 employees. In this role, John had a significant impact on customer service, profitability, employee retention, and marketplace growth. With his wealth of knowledge and experience, John is a seasoned professional with valuable insights to share.

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